Are You Or Anyone You know Suffering From Depression Or A Mood Disorder?
Our Resources Are Being Used By Professionals To Help Combat Depression And Associated Mood Disorders In Children, Young People & Adults.
Depression and Mood Disorders
Depression is now recognized as occurring in children and adolescents, although it sometimes presents with more prominent irritability than low mood. Many chronic mood and anxiety disorders in adults begin as high levels of anxiety in children.
Below are the resources we feel have the best approach to tackle such issues.
Click on our recommended resources below
Managing Emotions Self-evaluation Journal
This journal will help you develop the emotional intelligence required to effectively manage emotions.
It will do this by teaching individuals how to::
Manage emotions.
Communicate effectively.
Build and sustain healthy relationships.
Relieve stress.
Cope with difficulties.
Build resilience.
Empathise with others.
Defuse conflict.

Emotions Board Game
We are all unique and shaped by our individual life events and corresponding emotions.
This game will help us to understand our own needs and also the needs of others. This will not only help us avoid toxic behaviours and habits but will also help us to achieve our goals.
This resource will support users to:
Develop emotional Intelligence.
Practice emotional literacy.
Use and expand emotional vocabulary.
Explore both comfortable and uncomfortable feelings.
Identify the events and circumstances that trigger specific emotions in themselves and others.
Identify the need that arises as a result of uncomfortable feelings in themselves and in others.
Gain awareness of events and situations that create comfortable feelings in themselves and others.
Become empowered to take responsibility for maintaining good emotional wellness.

Feelings In A Bag
Feelings in a Bag will teach individuals to fulfil their needs in a healthy way, as well as bring balance to their lives by developing their ability to fulfil all their needs equally.
Users will be able to identify the cause of their emotions and develop the ability to manage them instead of becoming overwhelmed and controlled by them. Users will become aware of their emotions and identify feelings as they arise.
Users will learn how to:
Identify the circumstances that trigger specific emotions.
Control being overwhelmed by multiple emotions.
Cope with multiple emotions.
Identify the need that arises as a result of uncomfortable feelings.
Pinpoint what creates comfortable feelings and take control of their own happiness.
Understand and accept all emotions and how they feel as a result of positive or negative experiences and circumstances.
Develop personal power.
Develop emotional literacy and emotional vocabulary.